Sarah and I (Joleen) have been singing probably since the day we were born. There are actually 13 years between the two of us but we are the best of friends. We recently decided that we wanted a blog page where we could journal all about us and our singing, somewhere we could post our inspiration and sucesses as we journey down this path in our lives. Sarah is an amazing pianist and our voices tend to blend beautifully. "Nothing is greater than the harmony that comes from siblings" that is Sarah's most favorite saying. I play the piano as well but I like to let Sarah take the lead there since I'm a little rusty in that area.
We have the most amazing family and not just because of it's size :)!! There are 13 siblings in our family all from the same Mom and Dad. Our parents are the most compassionate, caring and supportive people we know. We love them dearly and thank them for all their love, support and input. We have been very blessed by our Heavenly Father who we owe so much to for blessing us with our talent of music, among other things. There are 8 brothers and 5 sisters in the family. I'm number 3 in line and Sarah is number 10! We have to thank our siblings for their love and support as well. We are always there for one another and cheering each other on in all of our different endeavors.
I am married, 7 1/2 years, and have to also thank my sweet husband for all of his love, time and support. For his patience with me as well. He is amazing and my rock, my everything. We have 4 beautiful children... one who is in Heaven waiting for the rest of us and watching over us as we journey through life here on Earth. The other 3 keep me very busy here at home. And I have to thank his parents as well for raising such an amazing son and for being supportive of us.
Sarah is in her Junior year in High School. She has lots of personality, is friendly, smart, loves to swing dance and is lots of fun. She is an awesome aunt too. She wants to go into nursing aside from singing and she is super creative. She came up with our name: Diamond in the Rough. We hope you like our blog and will check back often to see what is going on with us, our families and our singing. We love input so don't be shy on commenting :)