Sunday, March 8, 2009


...or so I thought! At the beginning of this last week we had some awesome wind which kicked up a bunch of junk in the air. By Tuesday night I was suffering from allergies but because I am pregnant and very high risk I can't take my allergy meds :( !! That's okay. I thought it would go away and my Doctor told me I could take a decongestant to help. Friday evening I called my doctor since I couldn't breathe through my nose and asked if I couldn't take something else, yep I could take a stronger OTC degcongestant. Saturday I went to work and nothing was helping by the time I got home I was really suffering. So I layed down, felt a little better and then we went to dinner. I couldn't eat a thing. I drank some water and Strawberry Lemonade and was just miserable. So I broke down and went to Instacare...which I hate going there, so you know I desperate. It was the shortest visit I have ever had there. Ofcourse there wasn't anyone in the waiting room but we could hear a kid screaming in the back. We checked in and sat down for just a few minutes, then we were called back. The nurse took all of my vitals, asked a few questions one of which is "Are you allergic to any medications?" Yep sure am...Pennicillin. "What's your reaction?" Closes off my air way instantly and should only be used in life or death situations. She says "oh it's already on your chart." Great. The doc came in just a minute later asks all the Q's about my symptoms and when they started. Looks in my ear..."Oh that ear drum is bulging" as I am pulling away from him cause my ear feels like it's going to explode. (it really hurt) Then he's tapping all over my forehead and along my cheek bones, which was killing me again. He says you have sinusitius. Great I knew it and...... So then he gives me a perscription for a maximum strength decongestant and says take this for 10 days if you don't get better here's a perscription for an antibiotic then take that. Um, okay. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I'm very high risk so I'm thinking I'll give my own Doctor a call when I get to the car. We were seriously in there only 15 or 20 mintues. So crazy.

I call my Mom and tell her what the doctor said and she asked what perscriptions he gave me. By this point we are on our way to the only open pharmacy at 8:30 pm on a Saturday. I read her the first one and then I look at the antibiotic. Ammoxicillin. Um... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I'm sure it was just an oversight... but one that would cost me and my unborn baby our lives. So now I'm overly concerned and call my Doctor (who happens to be AMAZING) and he's working on call at the hospital. I leave a message and he calls me right back. He said the decongestant is just fine to take and then calls in a different antibiotic but he told me I need to start taking it right away, especially if my ear drum is bulging. Then he asked where I went and what doctor I saw and he took care of that :)!!


Jen Billings said...

My ears get it too, so I know the routine. But is the doctor nuts? Did he miss the "Hi, I'm Pregnant, like with a baby" part? I'm so glad you talked to your mom and your doctor. You two keep safe and healthy. Good luck with the ears. I'll pray for the wind to stop blowing for you.

Diamond in the Rough said...

What I can't figure out is how he missed that I'm allergic to Pennicillin. It's highlighted on the chart and my reaction is there too. Plus he was seriously in the room for no more than 3 minutes. He knew I was pregnant and when he came back in to give me my perscriptions he asked if I was on birth control. I think that's what was distracting me as we walked out and why I didn't even look at my perscriptions until on the phone with my mom. Jess was like DUH did you miss the whole she's pregnant thing??? That's the first thing I told them at check in and with the nurse. So frustrating.